Agent Status Detail

Agent Status Detail #

The table below shows which fields are available on the Agent Status Detail template

Information Circle info
Fields with a tick in the 'Default Field' column are automatically added to a report when using this template.

Agent Times #

Field Name Description Default Field?
Agent State The availability state of an agent at a particular time.
Away Reason Away Reason
Duration The length of time an agent was in a particular state.

Call Info (Advanced) #

Field Name Description Default Field?
Account ID The ID of the communication system being monitored.
Account Name The name of the communication system being monitored.

Call Times #

Field Name Description Default Field?
Start Time The time the call or call segment started ringing.

Users / Devices #

Field Name Description Default Field?
Agent Name The names of any agents associated with this call or call segment. For internal or conference calls there may be more than one agent.
Agent Number The Agent Number (Presence ID) of the Agent.
Queue Name The name of the queue the current call segment was presented from.
Queue Number The number of the queue the current call segment was presented from.

Filter Fields #

This section outlines which filter fields can be used on the Agent Status Detail template

Field Name Description
Account ID The ID of the communication system being monitored.
Account Name The name of the communication system being monitored.
Agent Name The names of any agents associated with this call or call segment. For internal or conference calls there may be more than one agent.
Agent Number The Agent Number (Presence ID) of the Agent.
Agent State The availability state of an agent at a particular time.
Away Reason Away Reason
Duration The length of time an agent was in a particular state.
Queue Name The name of the queue the current call segment was presented from.
Queue Number The number of the queue the current call segment was presented from.
Start Time The time the call or call segment started ringing.