Call List (Segmented)

Call List (Segmented) #

The table below shows which fields are available on the Call List (Segmented) template

Information Circle info
Fields with a tick in the 'Default Field' column are automatically added to a report when using this template.

Call Info #

Field Name Description Default Field?
Abandoned An incoming call that was not answered by an device/agent/user or relevant Mailbox/Voicemail.
Answered Indicates whether the call or call segment was answered or not (Yes or No).
Area Code The area code for the Caller ID number.
Billing Code The billing code that was set against this call.
Call Direction The direction of this call segment, either (In)coming or (Out)going for external calls, (Both) for trunk-to-trunk calls and N/A for internal calls. Note: Internal calls will only show a direction on reports/tiles where the data is grouped by a user/agent.
Call Type The type of call, either Internal (intercom [IC]) or External.
Caller ID Name The name provided by the network provider as being associated with the Caller ID.
Caller ID Received Indicates whether a Caller ID was received for the call (Yes or No).
Conference The call was part of a conference.
Country The country for the Caller ID number.
DDI Name The name provided by the communications system as being associated with the Direct Inward Dial number for the call.
Direct Inward Dial The significant Direct Inward Dial (DDI) digits received from the network provider to identify a call originated via a particular DDI number.
Location The location for the Caller ID number.
Matched The call has one or more contact matches.
Number Type The type (Local, National or International) for the Caller ID number.
Outgoing Caller ID The telephone number presented on an outgoing call.
Outgoing Caller ID Name The name presented on an outgoing call.
Outside Number The telephone number associated with this call. This applies to external calls only.
Overflowed In Indicates whether the call overflowed in from a queue or group.
Overflowed Out Indicates whether the call overflowed out to another location.
Parked? Indicates whether the call or call segment was parked or not (Yes or No).
Recorded Indicates whether a recording exists for any part of the call. N.B. This does not guarantee that there will be recordings for the whole duration of the call.
Route Path Name The Contact Name with the addition of any route information which has been pre-pended by the PBX.
Route Path Number The Outside Number with the addition of any route information which has been pre-pended by the PBX.
Short Answered A call is designated as Short Answered if the Talk Time is less than the Short Answered threshold value. The Short Answered call threshold is a configurable setting which can be used to control which calls are classed as Short Answered calls.
Short Ringing A call is designated as Short Ringing when it is not answered and has a ring duration less than the Short Ringing call threshold. The Short Ringing call threshold is a configurable setting which can be used to control which calls are classed as Short Ringing calls.
State The state/province for the Caller ID number (NANPA region only).
Transferred In Indicates whether the call was transferred in from another device.
Transferred Out Indicates whether the call was transferred out to another device.
Trunk to Trunk A call that includes both an incoming and outgoing trunks.

Call Info (Advanced) #

Field Name Description Default Field?
Account ID The ID of the communication system being monitored.
Account Name The name of the communication system being monitored.
Call ID The telephone system's unique ID for this call.
Document ID Document ID.
End Cause The end event reason code received from the telephone system in relation to this call
Hang-up Cause The call Hang-up Cause provided by the communications platform.
Interaction ID The PBX Interaction ID.
Media Server The media server that handled the call on the Pbx.
PBX Type The type of PBX the call was made on.
Recording ID The call recording ID.
SIP Call ID The unique SIP Call ID for the call leg.

Call Times #

Field Name Description Default Field?
Answer Time The time and date that this call or call segment was answered. This will be empty if the call was not answered.
Call Duration The total duration for this call or call segment including ring, hold and talk durations.
End Time The time of day that this call or call segment ended.
Hold Time The total time this call segment spent on hold.
Parked Time The total time this call segment spent parked.
Ring Time The ring duration of the call or call segment.
Start Time The time the call or call segment started ringing.
Talk Time The duration this call segment was in the answered state.

Call Times (%) #

Field Name Description Default Field?
% Hold Time The Total Hold Time as a percentage of Total Call Duration.
% Parked Time The Total Parked Time as a percentage of Total Call Duration.
% Ring Time The Total Ring Time as a percentage of Total Call Duration.
% Talk Time The Talk Time as a percentage of Total Call time (external calls only).

Contact Info #

Field Name Description Default Field?
Company Name The company name of the matched contact.
Contact Name The full name of the matched contact. If there is no contact match, this will be the Caller ID Name.
Contact Tag 1 The data from tag field 1 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 10 The data from tag field 10 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 2 The data from tag field 2 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 3 The data from tag field 3 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 4 The data from tag field 4 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 5 The data from tag field 5 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 6 The data from tag field 6 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 7 The data from tag field 7 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 8 The data from tag field 8 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 9 The data from tag field 9 of the matching contact record for this call.
CRM ID The reference of the matched contact in an external CRM system.
Email The email address of the matched contact.
Job Title The job title of the matched contact.

Users / Devices #

Field Name Description Default Field?
Agent Name The names of any agents associated with this call or call segment. For internal or conference calls there may be more than one agent.
Agent Number The Agent Number (Presence ID) of the Agent.
Answering Agent Name The name of the first agent that answered the call (if applicable).
Answering Agent Number The number of the first agent that answered the call (if applicable).
Answering User Name The name of the first user the call was answered by. This will be empty if the call was not answered.
Answering User Number The number of the first user the call was answered by. This will be empty if the call was not answered.
Device Name The device name(s) that were involved in this call segment. On internal and conference calls there may be more than one device.
Device Number The device number(s) that were involved in this call segment. On internal and conference calls there may be more than one device.
External Tenant ID The ID of the external tenant.
External Tenant Name The name of the external tenant.
Parked Slot The parking slots the call or call segment has been parked at.
Queue Name The name of the queue the current call segment was presented from.
Queue Number The number of the queue the current call segment was presented from.
Transferred From Agent The number of the agent the call was transferred (or overflowed) from.
Transferred From Agent Name The name of the agent the call was transferred (or overflowed) from.
Transferred From Device The number of the device the call was transferred (or overflowed) from.
Transferred From Device Name The name of the device the call was transferred (or overflowed) from.
Transferred From Device Type The type of the device the call was transferred (or overflowed) from.
Transferred From User Name The name of the user the call was transferred (or overflowed) from.
Transferred From User Number The number of the user the call was transferred (or overflowed) from.
Transferred To Agent The number of the agent the call was transferred (or overflowed) to.
Transferred To Agent Name The name of the agent the call was transferred (or overflowed) to.
Transferred To Device The number of the device the call was transferred (or overflowed) to.
Transferred To Device Name The name of the device the call was transferred (or overflowed) to.
Transferred To Device Type The type of the device the call was transferred (or overflowed) to.
Transferred To User Name The name of the user the call was transferred (or overflowed) to.
Transferred To User Number The number of the user the call was transferred (or overflowed) to.
Trunk Name Trunk name involved in the call or call segment.
Trunk Number Trunk number involved in the call or call segment.
User Group Name The name of the user's primary group.
User Name The name of the user involved in the call or call segment.
User Number The number of the user involved in the call or call segment.

Voicemail Info #

Field Name Description Default Field?
Voicemail Box Name The name of the voicemail box a message is stored.
Voicemail Box Number The number of the voicemail box a message is stored.
Voicemail Left Indicates if a voicemail message has been left.
Voicemail Message Creation Time The date and time when the voicemail message was created.
Voicemail Message Deletion Time The date and time when the voicemail message was deleted.
Voicemail Message Id The voicemail message id.
Voicemail Message Length The duration of the voicemail message.
Voicemail Message Save Time The date and time when the voicemail message was saved.
Voicemail Message State The current state of the voicemail message, New, Saved or Deleted.
Voicemail Message Wait Time The duration before a voicemail message was listened to.

Filter Fields #

This section outlines which filter fields can be used on the Call List (Segmented) template

Field Name Description
Abandoned An incoming call that was not answered by an device/agent/user or relevant Mailbox/Voicemail.
Account ID The ID of the communication system being monitored.
Account Name The name of the communication system being monitored.
Agent Name The names of any agents associated with this call or call segment. For internal or conference calls there may be more than one agent.
Agent Number The Agent Number (Presence ID) of the Agent.
Answered Indicates whether the call or call segment was answered or not (Yes or No).
Area Code The area code for the Caller ID number.
Billing Code The billing code that was set against this call.
Call Direction The direction of this call segment, either (In)coming or (Out)going for external calls, (Both) for trunk-to-trunk calls and N/A for internal calls. Note: Internal calls will only show a direction on reports/tiles where the data is grouped by a user/agent.
Call Duration The total duration for this call or call segment including ring, hold and talk durations.
Call Type The type of call, either Internal (intercom [IC]) or External.
Caller ID Name The name provided by the network provider as being associated with the Caller ID.
Company Name The company name of the matched contact.
Conference The call was part of a conference.
Contact Name The full name of the matched contact. If there is no contact match, this will be the Caller ID Name.
Contact Tag 1 The data from tag field 1 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 10 The data from tag field 10 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 2 The data from tag field 2 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 3 The data from tag field 3 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 4 The data from tag field 4 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 5 The data from tag field 5 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 6 The data from tag field 6 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 7 The data from tag field 7 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 8 The data from tag field 8 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 9 The data from tag field 9 of the matching contact record for this call.
Country The country for the Caller ID number.
CRM ID The reference of the matched contact in an external CRM system.
DDI Name The name provided by the communications system as being associated with the Direct Inward Dial number for the call.
Device Name The device name(s) that were involved in this call segment. On internal and conference calls there may be more than one device.
Device Number The device number(s) that were involved in this call segment. On internal and conference calls there may be more than one device.
Direct Inward Dial The significant Direct Inward Dial (DDI) digits received from the network provider to identify a call originated via a particular DDI number.
Document ID Document ID.
Email The email address of the matched contact.
End Cause The end event reason code received from the telephone system in relation to this call
External Tenant ID The ID of the external tenant.
External Tenant Name The name of the external tenant.
Hang-up Cause The call Hang-up Cause provided by the communications platform.
Hold Time The total time this call segment spent on hold.
Interaction ID The PBX Interaction ID.
Job Title The job title of the matched contact.
Location The location for the Caller ID number.
Matched The call has one or more contact matches.
Media Server The media server that handled the call on the Pbx.
Number Type The type (Local, National or International) for the Caller ID number.
Outgoing Caller ID The telephone number presented on an outgoing call.
Outgoing Caller ID Name The name presented on an outgoing call.
Outside Number The telephone number associated with this call. This applies to external calls only.
Overflowed In Indicates whether the call overflowed in from a queue or group.
Overflowed Out Indicates whether the call overflowed out to another location.
Parked Slot The parking slots the call or call segment has been parked at.
Parked Time The total time this call segment spent parked.
PBX Type The type of PBX the call was made on.
Queue Name The name of the queue the current call segment was presented from.
Queue Number The number of the queue the current call segment was presented from.
Recorded Indicates whether a recording exists for any part of the call. N.B. This does not guarantee that there will be recordings for the whole duration of the call.
Ring Time The ring duration of the call or call segment.
Route Path Name The Contact Name with the addition of any route information which has been pre-pended by the PBX.
Route Path Number The Outside Number with the addition of any route information which has been pre-pended by the PBX.
Short Answered A call is designated as Short Answered if the Talk Time is less than the Short Answered threshold value. The Short Answered call threshold is a configurable setting which can be used to control which calls are classed as Short Answered calls.
Short Ringing A call is designated as Short Ringing when it is not answered and has a ring duration less than the Short Ringing call threshold. The Short Ringing call threshold is a configurable setting which can be used to control which calls are classed as Short Ringing calls.
SIP Call ID The unique SIP Call ID for the call leg.
Start Time The time the call or call segment started ringing.
State The state/province for the Caller ID number (NANPA region only).
Talk Time The duration this call segment was in the answered state.
Transferred From Agent The number of the agent the call was transferred (or overflowed) from.
Transferred From Agent Name The name of the agent the call was transferred (or overflowed) from.
Transferred From Device The number of the device the call was transferred (or overflowed) from.
Transferred From Device Name The name of the device the call was transferred (or overflowed) from.
Transferred From Device Type The type of the device the call was transferred (or overflowed) from.
Transferred From User Name The name of the user the call was transferred (or overflowed) from.
Transferred From User Number The number of the user the call was transferred (or overflowed) from.
Transferred In Indicates whether the call was transferred in from another device.
Transferred Out Indicates whether the call was transferred out to another device.
Transferred To Agent The number of the agent the call was transferred (or overflowed) to.
Transferred To Agent Name The name of the agent the call was transferred (or overflowed) to.
Transferred To Device The number of the device the call was transferred (or overflowed) to.
Transferred To Device Name The name of the device the call was transferred (or overflowed) to.
Transferred To Device Type The type of the device the call was transferred (or overflowed) to.
Transferred To User Name The name of the user the call was transferred (or overflowed) to.
Transferred To User Number The number of the user the call was transferred (or overflowed) to.
Trunk to Trunk A call that includes both an incoming and outgoing trunks.
User Group Name The name of the user's primary group.
User Name The name of the user involved in the call or call segment.
User Number The number of the user involved in the call or call segment.
Voicemail Box Name The name of the voicemail box a message is stored.
Voicemail Box Number The number of the voicemail box a message is stored.
Voicemail Message Creation Time The date and time when the voicemail message was created.
Voicemail Message Deletion Time The date and time when the voicemail message was deleted.
Voicemail Message Id The voicemail message id.
Voicemail Message Length The duration of the voicemail message.
Voicemail Message Save Time The date and time when the voicemail message was saved.
Voicemail Message State The current state of the voicemail message, New, Saved or Deleted.