Top Dialed Numbers

Top Dialed Numbers #

The table below shows which fields are available on the Top Dialed Numbers template

Information Circle info
Fields with a tick in the 'Default Field' column are automatically added to a report when using this template.

Call Info #

Field Name Description Default Field?
Area Code The area code for the Caller ID number.
Caller ID Name The name provided by the network provider as being associated with the Caller ID.
Country The country for the Caller ID number.
Location The location for the Caller ID number.
Matched The call has one or more contact matches.
Outside Number The telephone number associated with this call. This applies to external calls only.
State The state/province for the Caller ID number (NANPA region only).

Call Times (Average) #

Field Name Description Default Field?
Avg Hold Time Out The average hold duration for all outgoing calls (external calls only).
Avg Outgoing Call Duration The average call duration for all outgoing calls (external calls only).
Avg Parked Time Out The average parked duration for all outgoing calls (external calls only).
Avg Ring Time Out The average amount of ring time on outgoing calls (external calls only).
Avg Talk Time Out The average talk time for all outgoing calls (external calls only).

Call Times (Min/Max) #

Field Name Description Default Field?
Longest Hold Time Out The longest an outgoing call was on hold (external calls only).
Longest Outgoing Call Duration The longest duration for a single outgoing call (external calls only).
Longest Parked Time Out The longest an outgoing call was parked (external calls only).
Longest Ring Time Out The longest any outgoing call was ringing (external calls only).
Longest Talk Time Out The longest time a single outgoing call spent in the connected state (external calls only).
Shortest Hold Time Out The shortest hold time for a single outgoing call (external calls only).
Shortest Outgoing Call Duration The shortest duration for a single outgoing call (external calls only).
Shortest Parked Time Out The shortest parked time for a single outgoing call (external calls only).
Shortest Ring Time Out The shortest ring time for a single outgoing call (external calls only).
Shortest Talk Time Out The shortest time a single outgoing call spent in the talking state (external calls only).

Call Times (Total) #

Field Name Description Default Field?
Total Hold Time Out The total outgoing call time on hold (external calls only).
Total Outgoing Call Duration The cumulative Call Duration for all outgoing calls (external calls only).
Total Parked Time Out The total outgoing call time parked (external calls only).
Total Ring Time Out Total time that outgoing calls were Ringing (external calls only).
Total Talk Time Out Total outgoing talk time (external calls only).

Call Totals #

Field Name Description Default Field?
Outgoing Answered Total number of Outgoing calls answered (external calls only).
Outgoing Calls Total number of Outgoing calls (external calls only).
Outgoing Unanswered Total number of Outgoing calls unanswered (external calls only).
Total Outgoing Parked The total number of outgong calls parked (external calls only).

Call Totals (%) #

Field Name Description Default Field?
% Outgoing Answered The number of Outgoing Answered as a percentage of Outgoing Calls.
% Outgoing Calls The number of Outgoing Calls as a percentage of All Calls.
% Outgoing Parked The number of Total Outgoing Parked calls as a percentage of All Calls.
% Outgoing Unanswered The number of Outgoing Unanswered as a percentage of Outgoing Calls.

Contact Info #

Field Name Description Default Field?
Company Name The company name of the matched contact.
Contact Name The full name of the matched contact. If there is no contact match, this will be the Caller ID Name.
Contact Tag 1 The data from tag field 1 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 10 The data from tag field 10 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 2 The data from tag field 2 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 3 The data from tag field 3 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 4 The data from tag field 4 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 5 The data from tag field 5 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 6 The data from tag field 6 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 7 The data from tag field 7 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 8 The data from tag field 8 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 9 The data from tag field 9 of the matching contact record for this call.
CRM ID The reference of the matched contact in an external CRM system.
Email The email address of the matched contact.
Job Title The job title of the matched contact.

Report's Call Totals (%) #

Field Name Description Default Field?
% Total Outgoing Answered The number of Outgoing Answered as a percentage of the Outgoing Answered for the report.
% Total Outgoing Calls The number of Outgoing Calls as a percentage of the Outgoing Calls for the report.
% Total Outgoing Parked The number of Total Outgoing Parked as a percentage of the total number of Total Parked on the report.
% Total Outgoing Unanswered The number of Outgoing Unanswered as a percentage of the Outgoing Unanswered for the report.

Filter Fields #

This section outlines which filter fields can be used on the Top Dialed Numbers template

Field Name Description
Account ID The ID of the communication system being monitored.
Account Name The name of the communication system being monitored.
Agent Name The names of any agents associated with this call or call segment. For internal or conference calls there may be more than one agent.
Agent Number The Agent Number (Presence ID) of the Agent.
Answered Indicates whether the call or call segment was answered or not (Yes or No).
Answering Agent Name The name of the first agent that answered the call (if applicable).
Answering Agent Number The number of the first agent that answered the call (if applicable).
Answering Device Name The name of the first device the call was answered at. This will be empty if the call was not answered.
Answering Device Number The number of the first device the call was answered at. This will be empty if the call was not answered.
Answering Group Name The name of the first user group the call was answered at. This will be empty if the call was not answered.
Answering User Name The name of the first user the call was answered by. This will be empty if the call was not answered.
Answering User Number The number of the first user the call was answered by. This will be empty if the call was not answered.
Area Code The area code for the Caller ID number.
Call Duration The total duration for this call or call segment including ring, hold and talk durations.
Caller ID Name The name provided by the network provider as being associated with the Caller ID.
Company Name The company name of the matched contact.
Conference The call was part of a conference.
Contact Name The full name of the matched contact. If there is no contact match, this will be the Caller ID Name.
Contact Tag 1 The data from tag field 1 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 10 The data from tag field 10 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 2 The data from tag field 2 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 3 The data from tag field 3 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 4 The data from tag field 4 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 5 The data from tag field 5 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 6 The data from tag field 6 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 7 The data from tag field 7 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 8 The data from tag field 8 of the matching contact record for this call.
Contact Tag 9 The data from tag field 9 of the matching contact record for this call.
Country The country for the Caller ID number.
CRM ID The reference of the matched contact in an external CRM system.
DDI Name/Presentation Name The DDI name or the presentation number name.
DDI/Presentation Number The DDI number or the presentation number.
Device Name The device name(s) that were involved in this call segment. On internal and conference calls there may be more than one device.
Device Number The device number(s) that were involved in this call segment. On internal and conference calls there may be more than one device.
Email The email address of the matched contact.
First Rang Agent Name The name of the first agent the call rang at.
First Rang Agent Number The number of the first agent the call rang at.
First Rang Device Name The name of the first device the call rang at.
First Rang Device Number The number of the first device the call rang at.
First Rang Group Name The name of the user group where the call first rang at.
First Rang User Name The name of the first user the call rang at.
First Rang User Number The number of the first user the call rang at.
Hold Time The total time this call segment spent on hold.
Job Title The job title of the matched contact.
Last Answering Agent Name The name of the last agent that answered the call (if applicable).
Last Answering Agent Number The number of the last agent that answered the call (if applicable).
Last Answering Device Name The name of the last device the call was answered at. This will be empty if the call was not answered.
Last Answering Device Number The number of the last device the call was answered at. This will be empty if the call was not answered.
Last Answering User Name The name of the last user the call was answered by. This will be empty if the call was not answered.
Last Answering User Number The number of the last user the call was answered by. This will be empty if the call was not answered.
Last Rang Agent Name The name of the last agent the call rang at.
Last Rang Agent Number The number of the last agent the call rang at.
Last Rang Device Name The name of the last device the call rang at.
Last Rang Device Number The number of the last device the call rang at.
Last Rang Group Name The name of the user group where the call last rang at.
Last Rang User Name The name of the last user the call rang at.
Last Rang User Number The number of the last user the call rang at.
Location The location for the Caller ID number.
Matched The call has one or more contact matches.
Number Type The type (Local, National or International) for the Caller ID number.
Outgoing Caller ID The telephone number presented on an outgoing call.
Outgoing Caller ID Name The name presented on an outgoing call.
Outside Number The telephone number associated with this call. This applies to external calls only.
Parked Time The total time this call segment spent parked.
PBX Type The type of PBX the call was made on.
Ring Time The ring duration of the call or call segment.
Short Answered A call is designated as Short Answered if the Talk Time is less than the Short Answered threshold value. The Short Answered call threshold is a configurable setting which can be used to control which calls are classed as Short Answered calls.
Short Ringing A call is designated as Short Ringing when it is not answered and has a ring duration less than the Short Ringing call threshold. The Short Ringing call threshold is a configurable setting which can be used to control which calls are classed as Short Ringing calls.
Start Time The time the call or call segment started ringing.
State The state/province for the Caller ID number (NANPA region only).
Talk Time The duration this call segment was in the answered state.
User Group Name The name of the user's primary group.
User Name The name of the user involved in the call or call segment.
User Number The number of the user involved in the call or call segment.