Trunk Usage

Trunk Usage #

The table below shows which fields are available on the Trunk Usage template

Information Circle info
Fields with a tick in the 'Default Field' column are automatically added to a report when using this template.

Call Times #

Field Name Description Default Field?
Start Time The time the call or call segment started ringing.

Trunk Usage #

Field Name Description Default Field?
Trunk Peak Usage The maximum number of trunks in use at any time within the given time period.
Trunk Peak Usage Incoming The maximum number of trunks in use at any time within the given time period for Incoming Calls.
Trunk Peak Usage Outgoing The maximum number of trunks in use at any time within the given time period for Outgoing Calls.
Trunk Percent Usage The maximum percentage of the available trunks in use at any time within the given time period.
Trunk Percent Usage Incoming The maximum percentage of the available trunks in use for Incoming Calls at any time within the given time period.
Trunk Percent Usage Outgoing The maximum percentage of the available trunks in use for Outgoing Calls at any time within the given time period.

Filter Fields #

This section outlines which filter fields can be used on the Trunk Usage template

Field Name Description
Abandoned An incoming call that was not answered by an device/agent/user or relevant Mailbox/Voicemail.
Account ID The ID of the communication system being monitored.
Account Name The name of the communication system being monitored.
Agent Name The names of any agents associated with this call or call segment. For internal or conference calls there may be more than one agent.
Agent Number The Agent Number (Presence ID) of the Agent.
Answered Indicates whether the call or call segment was answered or not (Yes or No).
Call Duration The total duration for this call or call segment including ring, hold and talk durations.
Conference The call was part of a conference.
DDI Name/Presentation Name The DDI name or the presentation number name.
DDI/Presentation Number The DDI number or the presentation number.
Direct Inward Dial The significant Direct Inward Dial (DDI) digits received from the network provider to identify a call originated via a particular DDI number.
Hold Time The total time this call segment spent on hold.
Outside Number The telephone number associated with this call. This applies to external calls only.
Parked Time The total time this call segment spent parked.
PBX Type The type of PBX the call was made on.
Queue Name The name of the queue the current call segment was presented from.
Queue Number The number of the queue the current call segment was presented from.
Ring Time The ring duration of the call or call segment.
Short Answered A call is designated as Short Answered if the Talk Time is less than the Short Answered threshold value. The Short Answered call threshold is a configurable setting which can be used to control which calls are classed as Short Answered calls.
Short Ringing A call is designated as Short Ringing when it is not answered and has a ring duration less than the Short Ringing call threshold. The Short Ringing call threshold is a configurable setting which can be used to control which calls are classed as Short Ringing calls.
Start Time The time the call or call segment started ringing.
Talk Time The duration this call segment was in the answered state.
User Group Name The name of the user's primary group.