Contact Directories

Contact Directories #

This section of ~.Dimensions.~ settings provides users with a way to create and manage Contact Directories. Contact information stored here will be attached to report data and provided to ~.UcClient.~ clients to give users additional information about who they are talking to.

~.Dimensions.~ allows multiple directories to be imported to provide support for multiple data sources and to provide flexibility with security, by providing controls for users access on each directory.

For more information on the uses of contact directories, please refer to the Getting Started section.

Color Wand tip
If the Contact Directories area is not visible, check you have been given the correct permission to be able to add/edit directories.

Viewing/Editing Contacts #

The table listing the current directories should show a count of the total number of entires. To view these contacts or manually add/edit them, click on the directory's name to access the Contacts area.

More information on Managing Contacts

Importing Contact Data #

The simplest way to load contacts into a directory is to import them using a CSV file. This should be done on a regular basis to keep contact data up to date.

More information on Importing Contact Data

Routing Calls From Contacts #

If contact records have been populated with a preferred routing destination, the communications platform can be configured to look up the destination and route the call automatically using the exposed ~.Dimensions.~ routing webhook.

This feature is great for sending VIP contacts to a dedicated response team or user, even if they dial the company's main number.

More information on Routing Contacts

Document note
This feature is available on and 3CX communication platforms.